Solar Tower – EnviroMission reduces green house CO2 emission

EnviroMission Limited is developing Solar Tower renewable energy technology on a global scale. EnviroMission, which owns the global license to Solar Tower technology (excluding China), has shifted its development focus to the South West of the United States of America .

A single power station development will have the capacity to supply renewable energy to more than 100,000 typical American households or remove the equivalent of 220,000 typical motor vehicles from the roads .

Solar Tower Technology will abate approximatley 1 billion gallons of potable drinking water per year – water that is typically associated with tradional power generation methods.

Source: EnviroMission Limited



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Beneficios Ahorro Energía

¿Cuál es el beneficio del ahorro de energía?

El beneficio en el ahorro de  energía es el camino más fácil  para reducir las emisiones contaminantes de CO2 (dióxido de carbono) a la atmósfera, y así  detener el calentamiento

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